The Spirit and the Self

The Spirit and the Self
Raj Diwan

In my silence of months, I been searching for something called the truth, the thing that is supposed to set one free. In reading scriptures it became evident to me that the ‘truth’ has its roots in the ‘creation’ process and the definition of the Creator. Wonderful descriptions of creation are found in The Vedas and The Bible. From these and other known scriptures and facts, we can arrive at the truth quite logically.

The Creation according to Veda

In the beginning there was nothing,

neither existence nor non-existence,

And the one breathed without the breath,

It was pure energy, that manifest itself

into the material cosmos by its own will.

Here the Creator, defined as pure energy, has to be formless, with potential to create anything material by its own will. This is the Einstein’s equation working in reverse (m=e/c²).

The creation in The Bible (Genisis)

In the beginning the God created

the heavens and the earth,

And the earth was formless;

and darkness was upon the face of the deep,

And the Spirit of God moved

upon the face of the waters.

And God said, let there by light

And there was light.

And God saw the light

And it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness,

Then earth parted the waters …..

Here we see earth as being formless, meaning it was not a material object. Obviously it must have been originally in the other state, which is pure energy. Then we note that the first thing visible was the water everywhere. That is logical since the continents were formed by volcanic eruptions, which parted the waters. But, what roamed the surface of the waters was the Spirit of God. Well, Spirit we know is ethereal i.e. it has no form. That’s perhaps the reason behind the first commandment, ‘You shall not make engraved images of Me.”

Moses never saw a manlike figure on Mt. Sinai. He saw some kind of light or fire. He didn’t say “God told me He looked like Man.” He had heard it from the Pharo’s priests in Egypt before the exodus of Jewish slaves.

Buddha, by his own admission, never saw God in his 12 years of meditation. He was looking for a manlike figure which didn’t exist.

So, the Creator is pure energy with built in intelligence. Now, if we assume it’s omnipresence, the only state that permits that is energy. The finest particle, defined by physics may not be a particle at all, but pure energy. The Hubble telescope has seen it at work, which is the constant creation of planets, stars etc. That’s for the quantum physicists to speculate about. This energy is the Spirit, which is the cause of all material things, including Man.

In Bible, we are told to ask this Spirit (of God) to come into our bodies. The assumption being that, it is not inside us to begin with. Man does have a soul as all animals do, but has to ask for the Spirit to come into him. Once it enters, it becomes Man’s guide. He commits no sin from then on. He is reborn in this life time.

In The Geeta (Celestial Song), where the Vedas are re-interpreted, we are told the following by Lord Krishna.

Those who seek the Spirit (Formless God) will attain the Spirit.

Those who seek the animals (e.g. Pray to cows and snakes), will attain the animals.

Those who seek the deities (Lower Gods), will attain the deities,

Those that seek Me, will attain Me. But come to me (Krishna) with a pure heart and unselfish mind.

After death, the attainment of Spirit merges you with the Spirit. By Vedic scripture, your physical identity is lost as you merge with the Spirit after death. In all other options, you maintain an identity, perhaps an astral one.

The popular Hindu belief that the Spirit is already within man’s heart, is logically wrong.  If that were so, why would he be seeking it? And why would some men be breaking the commandments? Someone is confusing the Spirit with the soul. Souls are in all animals, including Man. But only Man can ask for the Spirit to come into him.

This Spirit is everywhere, omnipresent. It’s the pure energy that surrounds us. We are living in it as do the fish in the water. Only the fish doesn’t know it’s in H2O. If Spirit is something ethereal that we live in, it shouldn’t be difficult to communicate with it. In The Bible we are told ‘ask and you shall receive’. So, the function of the Spirit must be to fulfill man’s desires. The prerequisite is its close contact, residence in you. In Christianity the acquisition of Spirit would be a rebirth. In Vedas, when the Spirit is within you, you will have realized the Self within you. You would then be a Brahmin. A Brahmin is therefore equivalent to a born again Christian. Once that happens, all your future Karma (deeds) will be good. If not, the Spirit is not within you yet.

It is assumed that good karma bears good fruit; bad karma, bad fruit. But we know this is not always true. Bad things can happen to people with the Spirit, and good things to those who have not realized the Spirit (or the Self). In other words, good things can happen to bad people and bad things can happen to good ones. That is not uncommon in this world. Ecclesiastes makes this clear by saying “There is vanity that is done upon the earth; that there be just men unto whom it happens according to the work of the wicked. Again, there be wicked men to whom it happens according to the works of the righteous.”

This is a paradox. However, if bad things happen to a man judged good, he’s is perhaps not so good. And the reverse is also the case. But who’s doing this judging. It’s you. Man’s judgment of others is probably flawed. Man is not the know-it-all. Each man, though, is his own best judge. This, however, excludes the mentally deranged.

So what is the moral, the bottom line? If the scriptures are true, ask for the Spirit of God to come within you. Once you’re so re-born, you’re pure. Then whatever you shall ask will be given to you. And this includes material goods, wealth. Let no one kid you about acquiring material things. God has nothing against acquiring wealth, so long as you acquire it by fair means (i.e. Commandments). It is the ill-begotten gains that you don’t want. That’s the forbidden fruit. But don’t get attached to your wealth. It can have bad consequence.

In Christianity, the process of acquisition of the Spirit is simple. You have to ask it to come within you, and it will. You don’t have to take a dip in the River Jordan. In Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, it’s also simple. It requires meditation and/or the recitation of a mantra. Most common is the mantra OM. Well, what is OM? It is the sound of creation, the first sound produced when pure energy converted to the material cosmos by its own will. (Joseph Campbell, a well known theologian, discovered this in a Purana). So OM takes you back to that moment when pure energy existed, perhaps at the very moment of the Big Bang. That pure energy being the inherent form of God, OM could be His name. I say His, assuming its male in character. But I wouldn’t dwell on that?

You want good luck? Let the Spirit come into you. You will overcome all adversity. That’s the truth that will set you free.

What do you think?

What Causes Unhappiness?

vmtConsider this statement from a participant in a Brook of Life Retreat: “I do not know of anyone who consciously seeks unhappiness, yet we act in ways that bring unhappiness upon ourselves!”

Here’s what attendees of a Brook Twilight Seminar “7 Secrets for Happiness,” said about the causes of unhappiness (these are just a few examples):

Being lied to, Bad haircuts, Bad Interstate Drivers, Being Yelled at, Being Sick, Feeling of Failure, Discomfort, Being stressed out, Illness in the family, When things don’t go your lotus_cropped(my) way, Allowing myself to hold on to the burdens of family and friends, Allowing myself to push my wants for me before my real wants, Loss, Angry people, Greed, Loneliness, Fear, Conflict, Strife, Arguments, Rude People, People who are jealous and make fun of others, Pain, Sickness, Bad people, Mean people, Failing at something, Letting down friends and family, Letting down myself-not living up to expectations, Arguments with loved ones, Stressful days at work–being overworked, Procrastination, Feeling helpless, Being lost, Bad grades, Fighting children, Too little sleep, Too busy, Ex Husband, Mean people, Kids when they don’t want to be happy, Negative thinking, External pressure, Financial insecurity…

What are your views on the premise on this post (above)? Please post your comments to share your views, on the causes of unhappiness and happiness, with your fellow travelers.

In a future Purposeful Action Blog post we will list how these persons responded to the question: “What brings happiness to your life?”

The Frog and the Snake

snake-waterFreddy screeched with glee as Sammy slithered up the slopes of riverbank, giving him a kiss with a hiss. “You may play with Sammy on the riverbank, but you are never to go into the river with him,” Mama Frog had warned, repeatedly.

“Let’s go checkout the island, Freddie,” Sammy smiled slyly one day, pointing to the lush growth in mid-river.

“My Mom said I was not to get into the water.” The words “with Sammy” remained at the tip of his long tongue. Freddie did not wish to offend his friend, whom he loved and feared.

“Look at all those frogs playing on the island. Why shouldn’t we go have fun?” Sammy coaxed.


“But I can’t swim that far,” Freddie whimpered.

“Oh, that’s no problem, just hop on my hood and I’ll carry you across.”

“Promise you won’t hurt me?” Freddie blurted, all but giving in to the temptation.

“Of course not,” laughed Sammy, “just hop on.”

“Gee, this is so fun,” Freddie giggled as Sammy slid smoothly through the waves.

“Ready for a real thrill?” Asked Sammy, flipping his hood and launching Freddie into the air.

Freddie shrieked with joy on the way up. Turning a summersault to descend, the little frog froze in fear seeing the wide open jaws of his friend. “But you promised you wouldn’t hurt me,” he cried in terror.

“I can’t help it – it’s my nature. Chomp.”

The discussion questions from this ancient parable are: Can people change? If so, what aspects of their character/actions can be expected to change? What causes individuals to associate with those they know to be takers? Was Freddie a giver, or  a victim (takee)? Can you identify individuals in your personal and professional life with Freddy or Sammy?

The Parable of the Mango Tree

mango-2In Mangoland, where mangos were the currency of trade, a bushel of the golden beauties was equivalent to $1 million in our money. Johnny, an up-and-coming Mangoland executive, was desperate to use his skills and experience to acquire mangos – to consume and to hoard. The orchards were owned by Mangotycoons, Mangolords and Mangopreneurs. One night, as he dreamed of mangos, he had a vision. He did not realize that this vision was about to change his life.

A white-bearded man with a halo, asked in a soft echoing voice, “Do you want mangos?”

“Oh yes!” Johnny replied.

“Come,” said the man, transporting Johnny miraculously to a magnificent mango orchard.

“Wow!” Johnny gasped, taking in the endless acres of luscious fruits, hanging within reach.

“Start your journey by caring for this tree,” said the man, pointing to a sapling that bore the fruits of Johnny’s desires, “With your skills and commitment, it will grow to give you many delicious mangos. Then, you may be called upon to serve other trees that too will share their fruits with you.”  With these words, the man disappeared as mysteriously as he had arrived.

Alone in the orchard, Johnny was trapped between commitment to care for the tree and his uncontrollable desire for mangos. Casting commitment and honor aside, he set upon harvesting the orchard, keeping a wary eye for the man. The man never appeared, and Johnny continued to build a heap of mangos large enough to lay on. Soon, exhausted and hungry, he started to devour the fruits of his labor.  He ate and he ate, until he fell asleep.  Even in his dreams, he was devouring mangos, crouching and hoping he was not being watched.

When he awoke, Johnny did not know how long he had slept. Reaching out for another mango, he shrieked in horror. The heap on which he lay had become a rotting, stinking, bug-infested mess, and there was no tree in site.


How does this parable shed light on Corporate Greed? Can you compare Johnny with executives who have ruined their firms by unethical practices – driven by taking rather than serving and giving. How does this story relate to life?

The Parable of the Mango Tree is an excerpt from “The Mango Tree,” a short story on purposeful action for children, by Prem Chopra, Brook of Life Press, Copyright 2009 by Prem Chopra, all rights reserved.

Meditation: What’s the Point?

lotus_croppedEvery soul has an innate desire to be united with the source of all being and, through this desire, to set itself free from all bonds and lower levels of desires that prevent it from achieving its highest potential. This also is referred to as a state of resonance, when the subject and object vibrate in unison. This is why chanting is used in some forms of meditation.

Here are some ways in which meditation can change your life:

  • become more at home with yourself and in the universe
  • be able to concentrate and work more effectively at your tasks
  • see where you are and determine where you wish to go more clearly
  • become less insecure, and less anxious and hostile
  • build better relationships

Read how Ann discovers the beauty of meditation in The Voice, the Mind and the Traveler: Revealing the 7 Secrets for Happiness and learn how you can start meditating immediately by devoting just three minutes a day for this life-changing experience.

Share your thoughts and experiences on meditation with your fellow-travelers in the brook of life – through your comments on this purposeful action blog!

Purposeful Wisdom – can it help you improve your life?

lotus_croppedMany times in life we wish we had known earlier what we learn later from our experiences. Purposeful Wisdom is all about learning from the experiences of others and applying their wisdom in your own life. This does not mean that you automatically learn by reading, but you may learn through projecting the philosophy into your own life.

The book, Purposeful Wisdom, provides droplets of wisdom that will help you improve the flow of your life and find the way to the ocean where you may drink to your heart’s content, satisfying your spirit and experiencing the resonance you truly desire.

Read these wisdom tips and share your thoughts and experiences on this blog.

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