Phase 2 – Forming the Plan: Performing the Action
Step 4: Setting a Goal – Define the steps you will take to complete the mission
Goals provide clear and measurable milestones for the journey to the vision. Goals can be measured and quantifiable. Being able to accomplish numerous small goals keeps your team motivated so they will be more eager to work on the mission.
Step 5: Defining the Strategy – The most effective way to get to the goal.
Forming a strategy requires you to find the most effective way to get to your next goal; it determines the path that you will take. Whereas goals set the direction and point the direction of your mission, strategy determines the path you take.
Step 6: Developing the Plan – Decide what needs to be done.
The plan determines what needs to be done. The size, depth and amount of detail in the plan depend on how specific you need it to be to implement the chosen strategy.
Step 7: Laying out the Organization – Putting people, things and tasks together to implement the plan.
Organization defines the form and structure of the team, including putting together levels of people and resources to implement the plan and make it real. The organization needs resources in order to “make a job well done”.
Step 8: Team-Building or Staffing – Getting people and resources together, assigning responsibilities and authority.
Staffing involves assigning roles, responsibilities and resources.The key factor in this step is selecting the right people for the right jobs.
Step 9: Guidance – Providing direction and illustrating the execution.
Guidance involves training instruction and coordination within the context of the individual’s or organization’s mission.