Fourth Principle: Understand and Relate with Others – Your Progress is Affected by the Actions of Others
You are not in it alone. We’re all in it together. Your vision and actions affect others and they in turn affect you and your organization. The vision of a leader can can be transformed into reality only if it is shared by others. In other words, in order for a vision to materialize, all those who are important in the transformation process must be committed to achieving the vision.
In the metaphor of the Brook, every journey is affected by the actions of the navigator as well by the actions of other travelers in the waters, so you must learn how to relate with them. In practice, every journey also is affected by the environment and all changes that are experienced during the course of travel.
This principle applies to individuals as well as organizations, since all entities are comprised of individuals.
Your life is influenced by the actions of others.
Use BrookMaster to understand other navigators of the Brook, and how to relate with them effectively
Six archetypes of the brook represent the characteristics of most organizations and individuals you come across. These are: leader, entrepreneur, manager, consultant, trustee and intellectual. Understanding the attributes of these six will help you deal with them effectively. An accomplished navigator can assume the archetype needed at any time. For more information on this please visit the section: Archetypes of the Brook, via the link to your left.
The BrookMaster Self-Assessment and Leadership Coaching Tool utilizes the four principles, and the archetypes in particular, to help you become a more effective leader, entrepreneur or manager. BrookMaster also uses the two Grand Archetypes, Givers and Takers, that represent your ethical balance.
As a leader, the other archetypes will affect your actions, and thus the decisions you must make for future actions. Knowing the archetypes, how they think and how they handle tasks will make it easier to lead them to success.
The ability to transform into the an archetype of choice depending on the situation makes a leader indispensable.