How Can I Create Vision?
Vision is not created or formed only with a deliberation action of the mind. On the contrary, it appears within the mind during the absence of active thought, such as during a state of quiet contemplation, meditation, sleep or rest. It can occur during worship and prayer, or on a walk or even during exercise, whenever the mind is not deluged with activities to which must be attended.
Although vision might seem to appear suddenly, the process occurs over time, as the mind absorbs experiences from various sources and allows them to settle harmoniously until the desired solution presents itself in the form of the vision. Some ways to foster introspection include meditation, prayer or some similar form of mental and physical relaxation. Purposeful leaders look within for the purpose of action. This is what we refer to as Introspection, the first step of purposeful action, when one forms a mental image representing the vision of a desired state.
Many great leaders, including Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln, are known to have practiced introspection in one form or another. Meditation is a well known from of introspection. Others include long walks, prayer, exercise, and yoga, but these are not the only ways. There are many ways to look inside for vision. The method is not important but diligent practice, of stilling random thoughts and calming the mind by shutting tuning out external stimuli, is essential.