What is the Brook?
The brook is a simple yet powerful metaphor for life. During the course of your journey through the Purposeful Living section of this website, you will be encouraged to apply this metaphor to your life. This will enable you to discover aspects of yourself that previously might have been masked from others as well as from yourself. Self-discovery, or self-realization, is the first step in self-improvement.
How can you improve what you do not understand and cannot measure? If you wish to improve the quality of your life, first you must understand and assess the condition of your life. The Brook helps you do just that.
How can you understand and measure the quality of your life? The life of each individual is unique and defies quantification. However, sages over the ages and others until now have provided beacons for gauging and improving the human journey. The Brook of Life captures this wisdom in a way to help you understand the nature and quality of your personal as well as professional life.
In a nutshell, the Brook is a practical philosophy of life based upon the metaphor of flowing water in the form of a stream:
Life is the flow of actions, just as the brook is the flow of water.
Without the flow of water, there is no brook.
Without the flow of actions, there is no life.
Mind is the flow of thoughts.
Without the flow of thoughts, there is no mind.
Your thoughts dictate your actions, which determine the path of your life, just as the flow of water carves the path of the brook. Thus, to a great degree you are what you think and believe, but most importantly it is what you finally do that counts.
Learn more about the deeper meaning and purpose of your life and how to improve it by reading how Pete Cameron masters these secrets in “If I Had Known.”