Second Secret: Your Values Determine Your Happiness
The oars of your boat are your Value System. The two oars represent positive and negative core values that balance your boat and guide your journey while sensing the currents in the flow. Your ethical balance determines your happiness.
Five negative core values of the Brook value system are derived from ancient Vedic sages in the form of Five Demon Drivers of human action. These are Kaam (lust), Krodh (anger), Lobh (greed), Moh (attachment) and Ahankaar (Arrogance).
Five positive core values of the Brook were developed by Prem Chopra to complete the ethical balance in the Brook metaphor. These values are integrity, commitment, persistence, teamwork and communication. They foster trust and encourage initiative and confidence.
This value system for ethical living is based upon decades of research into the major religions and philosophies of the East and the West and modern ethical, management and leadership thought.