How can Vision Lead to Purposeful Action?
The first test of vision for purposeful action is truth. The vision must represent what the leader truly believes in and is committed to bringing to realization. To lead with vision, the leader must believe in the vision. This premise extends to all purposeful actions and not just those performed by leaders. It applies to all archetypes representing individuals in the world who choose to act purposefully, whether they are leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, trustees, consultants or intellectuals.
Whether the vision is yours or someone else’s, it must be shared by all the individuals who are affected by the action. In order to be meaningful and fulfilling, all purposeful actions must be driven by a purpose born of vision in which the leader and the followers believe, and the consequences and rewards are shared equitably.
The Framework for Purposeful Action, which represents the first of the Four Principles of Purposeful Leadership, shows how vision leads to action through three phases. In the first phase, the leader reconciles the vision with reality through ‘extrospection.’ Upon completing the reality check, the leader forms a mission and commits to it. Then, the vision and mission are communicated to followers, who commit to the pursuit of the shared vision represented by the mission.
Although the 12 Steps of Purposeful Action are presented in a logical sequence, action can be performed in a random manner and the steps revised iteratively, as shown in several examples in this site and in the resources listed. However, vision must precede all other steps of purposeful leadership.
The entire 12-Step Framework, and the Four Principles, are described and illustrated in other parts of this site and in the various resources offered. You also are welcome to send us any queries or suggestions, or simply ask Prem Chopra.