Purposeful Actions Integrate Action with Values
The first two principles of Purposeful Action jointly provide a system for action which combines leadership and management principles with a universal value system. In the metaphor of the Brook, these principle are represented by the boat of the navigator which is used for action or propagation, and the oars used for ethical balance.
Purposeful action, integrates ethics into action to avoid the trap of “falling” into actions that are self-serving. In this way, purposeful actions promote actions that serve others. There are other characteristics and benefits of purposeful actions that set them apart from actions at large. These will become evident as readers progress through the material provided in this web site and in Prem Chopra’s latest book: “Masters of the Game.”
The Framework for Purposeful Action is built upon the premise that leadership is one systematic way of performing action, and that a common set of principles and ethics governs both individual and organizational actions. The Framework has two major components: a twelve-step system for action that provides the management perspective, and a value system in the form of ten core values –five positive and five negative–that provides ethical guidelines to accompany the 12 steps.
In the metaphor of the brook, the boat of the navigator, or the organization, represents the Framework for actions performed by the individual or organization, and the oars represent the positive and negative core values that provide ethical balance for all actions that the individual or organization performs.
Learn more about the 10 core values for Ethical Balance.
Most people understand that action brings about change, but few give thought to whether the action is driven by a purpose formed from the vision of the organization, or merely by the anticipation of rewards. In the absence of a conscious, or sub-conscious, ethical check with respect to each action, actions have a tendency to follow human nature (see the four levels of desire) and be entrapped into becoming self-serving actions.