Volume 1 – Issue 8

Brook of Life News

Improving the Quality of Your Life…
By Transforming Stress into Flow!

Editor: Prem Chopra
E-Mail: info@brookoflife.com
Volume 1, Issue
8, May 26, 2002
Copyright @ 2002 by Brook of Life, Inc.
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Special Issue: 10 Actions for Your Life!

Chattanooga Area Friends! You are invited to a Free talk and discussion with Prem Chopra
on Saturday, June 1st at 10::30, Unitarian Church, 3224 Navajo Drive — hosted by Chions:

“An Introduction to Sikhism–Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Life”

The Jed Mescon Show will feature a discussion with Prem Chopra about “The Purpose and
Meaning of Life: If I had known…” on WRCB-NBC, Channel 3, Monday, June 3 at 6:30 am.

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You were promised a Free Copy of the Brook of LifeBooklet,

“10 Actions You Can Take Today to Change Your Life”

The ten actions are answers to ten important questions that we all ask
at some points in our life’s journey:

What do I really want?
Where do I see myself going?
Where am I with respect to where I want to be?
How do I get started?
How do I find my way?
How do I stay on the way?
How do I prosper materially?
How do I grow spiritually?
How will I attain fulfillment?
Is this really what I want?

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Brook of Life
— Improving the Quality of Your Life…By Transforming Stress into Flow!
Ten Actions@ You Can Take Today to Change Your Life
In Response to Ten Questions@About Your Life
A Brook of Life Booklet@
Act–don’t worry. You will renew each action in an iterative manner. The sequence and importance of these ten actions depends upon the stage of your life and your circumstances. Your life will change with these ten actions. You will determine and create the path for your journey. Stress will be transformed into Flow!
Find the mind-altering Ten Answers
@ to these Ten Questions@, which Pete Cameron discovers in “The Purpose and Meaning of Life…” and applies to his material and spiritual life. You can apply them today to Your Life!
“Life is the pursuit of desires…”

“The path to fulfillment lies in understanding the levels of desire, discriminating between them and then conquering them.”

“There are many paths—each is only as good as the one who travels upon it. They all lead to the same place—the forever-land without sorrow that none can describe.”

Lessons from “The Path of Duty,” in “The Purpose and Meaning of Life,” page 75. www.purposeandmeaningoflife.com
1. What do I really want?

1. Unravel your desires and understand them.
Enjoy and satisfy your lust for life and material pleasures, while retaining your core values. The objects of such desires will not last. Why be attached to the shadow of a tree? It will vanish and leave you in anguish! Move on to desires of the mind and spirit, whose fruits are enduring. By understanding your desires, you will flush out fear, destroy doubt and strengthen the will. You will learn what motivates you and other travelers.
Pete learns about the four levels of desire and how to conquer them in the chapters titled “More than Body” and “The Path of Duty.”
2. Where do I see myself going?
2. Build a Vision for your life.
Search deep within through Introspection, Meditation or Prayer–whatever works for you. Remember that you have a material and a spiritual life–an outward and an inward journey. Seek what you truly desire, starting with a healthy body, a clear mind and a pure soul. Seek joy that lasts. Drink plenty of clean water, eat to live and enjoy, exercise your body—visualize the flow in all parts of your body. Rest your mind often and seek the spark of the Supreme Creative Force within.
Pete learns about Introspection in the chapters titled “Ashes” and “Resonance.”
3. Where am I with respect to where I want to be?
3. Evaluate your situation.
This is Extrospection. Do this realistically–see what separates you from your vision and determine what it takes to get from where you are to where you want to be. Seek help if you need it. Adjust your vision to what you believe is achievable in your material and spiritual journeys. Limit expectations to what you truly desire and enjoy and are willing to strive for with unswerving commitment.
Pete learns how to transform his life from chaos to purpose in the chapters titled “The Manuscript” and “The Rise of the Phoenix.”
4. How do I get started?

4. Form your mission and commit to it.
Your mission is to achieve your vision. This is at the heart of purposeful action and purposeful living. Mission gives purpose to your life, making it meaningful and gratifying. It adds joy to your journey. Commitment to mission fosters will and courage to get you started on your way. Commitment is an expression of love, which propels you from the First to the Second Phase of Purposeful Action.
Pete learns about commitment in the chapters titled “The Manuscript” and “The Path of Duty.”

5. How do I find my way?
5. Plan your journey and take the first step.
Keep your plan clear and simple. Let it show the way to specific goals you can measure and assess. Each goal should serve a purpose–moving you closer to achieving your mission. Take one step at a time, continuing on the path to which you have committed. Make faith, hope, will and courage your companions. Enjoy each step. Get help from friends, family, teachers and other faithful travelers. Let mentors help you find the right currents for your journey and guide you through difficulties. Gather data, information, knowledge and wisdom on the way. Learn to differentiate between that which enhances your purpose and that which obstructs and distracts. Everything flows and changes. Create your flow—in your life–and go with it.
Pete learns about the journey of life in the chapters titled, “Ashes,” “The Manuscript,” “Resonance” and “Experiencing Joe Sages.” Then he plans his journey and pursues his mission in the chapters titled “A Game in the Waters,” “The Deal,” “The Flight of the Arrow” and “The Arrow Lands.”
6. How do I stay on the way?
6. Carry a bag of positive core values.
Five positive core values for the material journey are Integrity, Commitment, Persistent, Teamwork and Communication. These are the values of giving—they bring happiness. Their five spiritual counterparts are Truth, Love, Faith, Universality and Sharing. You will be tempted along the way by the negative currents you feel through your senses, which create desires and forces of Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment and Arrogance. These are the values of taking—they bring anxiety, fear, pain and suffering. Overcome these by allowing your positive values to guide you and clear the way for each step of your journey. Learn to discriminate between the forces of giving and taking. Then choose wisely!
Pete finds the bag of five positive core values and another bag of five negative core values in the chapter titled “The Path of Duty.” He carries both bags during the rest of his journey as he learns to choose between the two.
7. How do I prosper materially?
7. Satisfy your material desires with purposeful actions and core values.
Pursue what you desire and enjoy, so long as the actions are purposeful and you maintain balance with the help of your core values. Work diligently—giving the most you can. Be realistic in your expectations of others and yourself–do not allow greed to inflate need. Satisfaction of your material needs will prepare you and pave the way for spiritual growth.
Pete learns this in the chapters titled “More than Body” and “The Path of Duty.” Then he demonstrates this in the chapters titled “The Flight of the Arrow” and “The Arrow Lands.”

8. How do I grow spiritually?
8. Grow spiritually with the spark, resonance and flow.
Sense that spark of the Universal Creative Force, which is within you. Do this through meditation—with the Sixth sense that is beyond the five. Recognize the spark in your fellow travelers. Sense its energy everywhere. Experience resonance with this spark and go with the flow that your purposeful actions create. This will lead to giving, sharing and compassion—and will provide a deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of life
Pete learns this in the chapters titled “Ashes,” “Resonance” and “The Path of Duty.” He experiences this in the chapters titled “The Arrow Lands” and “The Reward.”
9. How will I attain fulfillment?
9. Attain fulfillment through serving.
This is the Way of the Karam Yogi—a path thatleads to the ultimate desire for freedom from the bonds of all desires. Act from within–do not be driven by the fruits of your actions. When you are no longer attached to objects of desire, you are free to help and serve others–thus becoming fearless and free. Without serving–there is no fulfillment!
Pete learns and experiences this in the chapters titled “A Game in the Waters,” “The Arrow Lands” and “The Reward.”
10. Is this really what I want?
10. Assess your progress and renew your journey.
Happiness and fulfillment are states of becoming–not destinations. They are your right so long as you are on the right way. You lose them if you lose your way. Assess your progress towards your goals and mission and renew your journey purposefully–attaining higher levels of fulfillment. Transform knowledge gained from experience into wisdom for living purposefully and growing spiritually. Continue to go with the flow!
Pete learns about assessment in the chapters titled “Ashes,” “The Manuscript,” “Experiencing Joe Sages” and “The Path of Duty.” Then he assesses his life’s journey in the Epilogue titled “Mountains of Knowledge, Plateaus of Wisdom.”
Copyright 2002 @ Brook of Life, Inc. All rights reserved. www.brookoflife.com
by Dr. Prem Chopra
www.purposeandmeaningoflife.com www.brookoflife.com
Send mail to info@brookoflife.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 Brook of Life, Inc.