Brook of Life News
Improving the Quality of Your Life…
By Transforming Stress into Flow!
Editor: Prem Chopra
Volume I, Issue 5, April 14, 2002
More on Happiness
In this Issue:
News: Travel to Costa Rica
Currents: Sixth Sense
Ripples: Is Love Giving or Taking?
Your Views: What brings Happiness to Life?
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The wonderful folks at Holbrook Travel in Gainesville, Fl ( )
are now connected with us through a visit and a seminar in their offices last Monday.
Holbrook is a premier travel agency used by Elderhostel ( ).
Janet, my wife, and I have traveled to Peru with them. On June 5, we will travel to Ecuador
and the Galapagos Islands — to reflect on Darwin’s inspiration about our origin?
The most exciting part of this news is that Holbrook and Brook of Life are planning
a new series of Brook of Life Retreats in the heart of the spectacular rain forest in
Holbrook’s own five hundred acre private retreat, Selva Verde ( )
in Costa Rica. There are no space and age limitations for these retreats and families are most
welcome–there will be much to do, learn, enjoy and enrich!
We will keep you informed of our progress with this new venture in transforming stress to flow
and enriching our lives! Other upcoming Brook of Life events may be viewed in the web site at:
Currents: Thoughts underlying the flow of our lives.
Some thoughts from our readers on the question: “Are you a spirit on a human journey, or
a human on a spiritual journey?”
As humans on a spiritual journey we seek spirituality. If we do not succeed before life ends,
that is it — a rather grim prospect. Furthermore, devoid of spirit, how do we know when we
have acquired or connected with spirit?
As spirits on a human journey we are eternal, since spirit is neither born nor dies. As spirits,
with human body and mind, we navigate life with our five senses, while aware of our spirituality
through the “sixth.” This provides the means for connecting with the Universal Creative Force.
Our thanks to those who shared these enlightening thoughts. More on this in the video tapes
from the Twilight Seminar “7 Secrets for Happiness!”
Ripples: Transient thoughts from The Brook.
A traveler asked, “Is the desire to be loved a desire of giving or of taking?”
What do you think?
Please e-mail your views to
Your Views: Thoughts from The Brook of Your Life.
We continue with the statement, “I do not know of anyone who consciously seeks unhappiness,
yet we act in ways that bring unhappiness upon ourselves!”
In the previous issue we listed causes of unhappiness supplied by you. We will re-list these on
the web site for new readers, or you may request a copy via e-mail to Here is what you said about happiness.
What brings happiness to my life:
My mother
My nephew
My tax return (to some this brings stress and unhappiness)
Getting my bells on time
Relationships with my family and loved ones
Laughter and comedy
Sense of humor
Peace of mind
My family
Doing fun things
Doing my work
Being connected
Quiet and peace
Meaningful purpose
Conversations with God
Following God
Fulfilling my dreams
Knowing who I am and why I am here
Loving and being loved
Seeing my daughter happy
Tai Chi
Being healthy
My job
My students
My colleagues
Feeling of success
Knowing I do a good job and positively contribute
Feeling that I make positive differences in other lives
Knowing that others make positive differences in my life
Knowing that I am loved
Just about everything
Succeeding at something
Meeting or exceeding expectations
Good relationships with friends and family
Relaxing with a good book
Falling asleep with a loved one’s arms around me
Completing a project
A walk in the park or woods
There are more…
Upon comparing the causes of unhappiness with what brings happiness, one discovers that,
“Happiness is ours to have — by choosing and acting in ways that make us happy.”
More on this in the set of video tapes on “7 Secrets for Happiness!”
Part 1 – The Voice The Mind and The Traveler: A Conversation
Part 2 – Creation, Duality of “Maya” and Trinity: The First Three Secrets
Part 3 – Desires and Balance: The Fourth and Fifth Secrets
Part 4 – Intuition and Meditation on Truth: The Sixth and Seventh Secrets
You may request the set by sending an e-mail to
Chattanooga readers will find these at A Novel Idea on 38 Frazier Avenue (265-1700)
We would like to hear your thoughts on This Most Important Journey!
Thank you for joining us.
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