Volume 1 – Issue 4

Brook of Life News

Improving the Quality of Your Life…
By Transforming Stress into Flow!

Editor: Prem Chopra
E-Mail: Info@brookoflife.com
Volume I, Issue 4, March 23, 2002

Increase Happiness in Your Life

In this Issue:
News: Retreat in Marina Del Rey
Currents: Spirit on a Human Journey
Ripples: Transient Thoughts
Your Views: Causes of Unhappiness

Thank you for spreading the message about The Brook of Life. Please forward this newsletter
to at least one new friend each week For easier browsing, updates and additional information,
please click on: http://www.brookoflife.com/ . Subscribe by e-mail to: info@brookoflife.com
with the word “subscribe.”

A Special Seminar titled: “Finding Purpose and Meaning in
Life,” presented at the Monterey Park Library on Saturday, March 9, was
attended by 38 very interested and interesting persons. Their assessment
was very gratifying. The presentation and discussions were video taped and
will be available soon.

We hope many of you can come to our First California Brook of Life Retreat
in Marina del Rey on April 27. Fees for the all-inclusive day are $149 per
person and $119 per person for couples registering together. The web site
will be updated soon to reflect the new registration fees and information.
You may request a brochure or register by calling toll-free: 1-800-235-5588

We also have an invitation to speak to the graduating class
of WEBB Prep School in Claremont California during the week of the LA

Retreats in San Francisco and New York City will follow–details will be posted
on the web site.

Chattanooga Events:

On Tuesday, March 26 at 6:00 pm there will be a Special Brook of Life Workshop
for students and parents at the Kumon Training Center of Chattanooga, owned by
James and Doris Boykin. Please call Doris at 893-8333 or 605-0681 to register.

Chattanooga area residents, don’t forget this Thursday’s (at :00 pm on March 28)
Twilight Seminar: “10 Actions You Can Take Today to Change Your Life.” It will
be at the UTC Faculty Club in the elegant Patten House at Oak and Palmetto.
The fee of $10 includes club cover charge and refreshments. Students and returning
“Brook of Lifers” can register for $5 per person. Please call Steve Clark at 364-8157
to register.

Other upcoming Brook of Life events may be viewed in the web site at:
Currents: Thoughts underlying the flow of our lives.
A question that has intrigued most attendees of Brook of
Life programs, is:

“Are you a spirit on a human journey?”


“Are you a human on a spiritual journey?”

Each time this question was asked at least one individual
gave an enlightening answer which resonated with the rest of us.

Please e-mail your thoughts about this question. We will
share the feedback in the next issue of Brook of Life News.
Ripples: Transient thoughts from The Brook.
Travel and other activities have overcome the ripples. As
soon as the waters settle, thoughts now struggling to surface will emerge
Your Views: Thoughts from The Brook of Your Life.
In this section of Brook of Life News we share your views
and thoughts with our fellow travelers.

Consider this statement from a Brook of Life Retreat:

“I do not know of anyone who consciously seeks unhappiness,
yet we act in ways that bring unhappiness upon ourselves!”

Now consider what attendees of the Twilight Seminar “7
Secrets for Happiness,” said about the causes of unhappiness (these are just
a few examples):

Causes of unhappiness
Being lied to
Bad haircuts
Bad Interstate Drivers
Being Yelled at
Being Sick
Feeling of Failure
Being stressed out
Illness in the family
When things don’t go your (my) way
Allowing myself to hold on to the burdens of family and friends
Allowing myself to push my wants for me before my real wants
Angry people
Rude People
People who are jealous and make fun of others
Bad people
Mean people
Failing at something
Letting down friends and family
Letting down myself-not living up to expectations
Arguments with loved ones
Stressful days at work–being overworked
Feeling helpless
Being lost
Bad grades
Fighting children
Too little sleep
Too busy
Ex Husband
Mean people
Kids when they don’t want to be happy
Negative thinking
External pressure
Financial insecurity

In the next issue of the Brook of Life Newsletter we will list how these persons
responded to the question: “What brings happiness to your life?”

In the meantime, please send Your Views about “unhappiness” or “Happiness”
via e-mail to info@brookoflife.com. We will not use your name as we
share Your Views with our fellow travelers, unless you request it.

“Happiness is ours to have — by choosing and acting in ways that make us happy.”
More on this in the set of video tapes on “7 Secrets for Happiness!”
Part 1 – The Voice The Mind and The Traveler: A Conversation
Part 2 – Creation, Duality of “Maya” and Trinity: The First Three Secrets
Part 3 – Desires and Balance: The Fourth and Fifth Secrets
Part 4 – Intuition and Meditation on Truth: The Sixth and Seventh Secrets

You may request the set by sending an e-mail to info@brookoflife.com
Chattanooga readers will find these at A Novel Idea on 38 Frazier Avenue (265-1700)

We would like to hear your thoughts on This Most Important Journey!
Thank you for joining us.
This newsletter is Copyrighted @ 2002 by Brook of Life, Inc. You may distribute it FREELY to friends,
groups and other sites and lists provided that you use the entire issue, including this notice.
They may join the list simply by sending e-mail to info@brookoflife.com with the word “subscribe.”

We do not rent or sell our list of subscribers. To un-subscribe at any time simply send an e-mail to
info@brookoflife.com with the word “un-subscribe.”

Send mail to info@brookoflife.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 Brook of Life, Inc.