Brook of Life News
Editor: Prem Chopra
Volume 1, Issue 3, February 24, 2002
Copyright @ 2002 by Brook of Life and Prem Chopra
Thank you for your subscription to Brook of Life News.
Sections: News Currents Ripples Your Views
You will find new materials and events in The Brook, which flow and change continuously!
Flash Bulletin:
The TV Show “Point of View” will feature a special program: “Stress to
Success” based upon concepts of The Brook of Life
The program will air on CHANNEL 12 (cable 13) at 6:00 am on Sunday (February 24) and again on the Following Tuesday and Friday (February 26 and March 1) evening on CHANNEL 3 at 9:00 pm.
We taped the show last Wednesday. You will enjoy the interaction with the packed studio audience and “feel” the relaxation and flow from the Shiatsu massage demonstration.
See you then!
For a Free copy of The Brook of Life Video, including this new half hour TV show on “Stress to Success,” please mail a check in the amount of $5.00 to cover costs of production and shipping, to: Brook of Life, Inc., 243 Signal Mountain Road, Suite H, Chattanooga, TN 37405.
News: Surge in The Brook
The Brook of Life Retreat Series – Transforming Stress into Flow will be going National in a new One-Day Format.
We will start in The Marina del Rey Hotel, in Marina del Rey, Los Angeles, on Saturday, April 27th.
You may request a brochure or register by calling 1-800-235-5588. Registration information will be posted on our web site soon at
Special Brook of Life Retreats in San Francisco and New York City will follow in May and June, respectively. Stay tuned!
In Chattanooga we will continue to provide the content of our original four Retreats in the form of Twilight Seminars. To accommodate requests that have been pouring in, we have increased capacity to 25 attendees and moved the location to the UTC Faculty Club at the Corner of Oak and Palmetto Streets. Our Seminar room is enclosed by glass on three sides, with a view of Lookout Mountain. A soothing fountain flows down the center of the fourth wall. Refreshments will be served.
The best part of the Twilight Seminars is the price—read on!
Twilight Seminars will be presented on the last Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm (except when they conflict with National Retreats) and will last for approximately two hours. We will include brief demonstrations of holistic health practices, such as yoga, massage, tai chi, exercise, dance and diet–to promote unity of flow in body, mind and spirit.
Here is the schedule for the next four Twilight Seminars:
7 Secrets for Happiness: Thursday, February 28, 6:00 pm
10 Actions You Can Take Today to Change Your Life: Thursday, March 28, 6:00 pm
How to Discover What You Really, Really, Really Want: Thursday, May 30, 6:00 pm
How to Get What You Really, Really, Really Want: Thursday, June 27, 6:00 pm
Location: UTC Faculty Club at the Corner of Oak and Palmetto Streets.
Refreshments will be served.
(Note that April will be skipped due to the Los Angeles Retreat)
What is the Cost?
FREE if you have never attended a Brook of Life event before.
For returning Brook of Life participants the price is “Bring a Friend!” who has not previously attended.
Returning participants who do not bring a friend may purchase a copy of “The Purpose and Meaning of Life…” at the cover price of $20 to present to the friend they would have brought.
Those who have read “The Purpose and Meaning of Life: If I had known…” will reap additional benefit from Twilight Seminars.
Currents: Thoughts Underlying the Flow of Our Lives
“You create the flow of your life with your actions”
During a presentation of “Life as Flow in The Brook,” at a book signing at A Novel Idea, last Saturday, a lady who was listening attentively, suddenly burst out in frustration:
“All our actions are controlled. They are controlled by our culture and there is not much anyone can do about it, especially minorities, and people of color—like me.”
I asked, “Did culture bring you to this book signing? Or, did culture make you keep your coat on as you sit in this comfortable chair?”
She understood. Both she and her sister bought copies of “The Purpose and Meaning of Life”
We then learned that this lady had recently experienced a miraculous recovery to life from a coma. We may share her experience at one of our Twilight Seminars.
E-mail us at with your thoughts for the “Currents” section of Brook of Life News.
Ripples: Transient thoughts from The Brook
The current surge in the Brook has overcome the ripples. Here is one that escaped the surging waves:
Are you a “Spirit on a human journey?” Page 3, The Purpose and Meaning of Life…
Or, are you a “Human on a spiritual journey?”
“What is the difference?”
Please e-mail your views on these questions to to share with our friends.
Your Views: Thoughts from the Brook of Your Life
In this section of Brook of Life News we share your views and thoughts with our fellow travelers.
Here are some comments from Brook of Life Retreat attendees:
“The Purpose and Meaning of Life is a modern day Siddhartha. The Brook of Life Retreats bring the book to life—to my life…”
“What I liked the most was the information presented and how it was discussed.”
“I enjoyed all aspects, but realize that the success of the yoga and tai chi presented depends in a large part on the presenters. The wonderful presentations here may be difficult to sustain in other locations.”
“I really liked the content and the relationship with people.”
“I liked most the open discussions about our lives.”
“The concepts of The Brook were explained very clearly and there was coherence in all the elements of the program!”
“Very Good flow!”
“I thought this Retreat was far more informative and smoother. Jim the ‘Bug Man’ was priceless!”
Please share Your Views about ‘The Purpose and Meaning of Life…” and the Brook of Life Retreats and Twilight Seminars via e-mail to We will not use your name as we share Your Views with our fellow travelers, unless you request it.
Thank you for joining us on this Most Important Journey!
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Copyright © 2001 Brook of Life, Inc.