Build Wealth

How to Build Wealth

All individuals, including Purposeful Leaders, must become free of financial stress by fulfilling their desire for wealth, so they can focus on serving others. Here we show you a simple way to grow a golden goose, which free you of financial stress in three simple steps:

Steps to Financial Independence:

Step 1: Create flow—of money. Work purposefully and consistently, earning a fair reward in return and be persistent.

Step 2: Let cash flow work for you—grow your golden goose by paying yourself regularly through putting money in savings, at least as much as you pay in taxes. Be disciplined and save diligently.

Step 3: Go with the flow, don’t dip into it and do not eat the goose. Be patient.

These steps to financial independence have been developed and applied over two decades in finance classes for engineering undergraduates. Many have benefitted by applying these rules and accumulated wealth beyond their imagination. You can apply these steps and start building your wealth today, too.